Welcome to the iOme Challenge Blog: Know Your Dough! Here at iOme, we know that financial security and retirement aren’t generally exciting topics because of their complexity. We have decided to clear up the confusion and get you excited about your financial future by writing pieces that review the most recent research on retirement, discuss current retirement legislation, offer tips and tricks on saving for retirement, voice opinions of The Millennial Generation, and spark discussion on retirement topics all while keeping the information concise and understandable.
What do we ask of you? Take a read through. Respond to our posts. Start a discussion. Tell your friends! If you have any questions, have an idea for a topic, or would like to contribute a piece, send Allison an email at allison@iomechallenge.org. Financial security in retirement is an ever growing problem, but it can be resolved through shared knowledge and understanding. That being said, we encourage questions! Chances are, if you have a question, someone else has the same one and your courage in asking will help them, too!
Disclaimer: Our bloggers and contributors are not your personal financial advisors. Each person has different financial needs which require personal advice. We ask that you consult your financial advisors with questions that directly relate to your personal financial situation. Opinions represented in this blog do not represent the opinions of the members of the iOme Challenge board or our Blue Ribbon Panel.