This is what we asked college students in 2009. Since then, thousands of young people responded with their dreams and their thoughts on how to get there. They worked with their peers to research issues at hand, wrote academic papers to communicate their findings, produced public service announcements to raise awareness, and shared their data-driven ideas with business community and policymakers in Washington, D.C. They offered their voices through surveys, testimonials, blogs, and events.
Young people did not learn to save for retirement at the kitchen table or in school, but they have witnessed the Great Recession and have seen their grandparents and parents struggle to pay bills in retirement. Burdened by their own financial difficulties, today’s youth understands the importance of participating in conversations about their financial future. And now, they are working to make this dialogue a national conversation.
But they need your help.
Your investment in iOme will work to engage young people across America and give them an opportunity to help determine how to improve their financial security in retirement. The iOme Challenge falls under the umbrella of a non-profit organization, WISER, the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement. Founded in 1996, WISER works to Improve the long-term financial security of all women through education and advocacy. Your investment is tax-deductible. Make a commitment to support iOme today.
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